How to make a spore print
How to make a spore print

You will have a very distinct colorful print of the underside of your mushroom outlining the gills and undercarriage of your mushroom! Consult your guide book for correlating spore print colors and identification. The spores cannot get blown away, since the bowl is covering up the mushroom, so they simply stay where they dropped, making a lovely print. Minimum 2 hours however 24 hours delivers best results.Īlternative steps can be taken from the ring around the stem or by overlapping mushroom caps. The spores that fell onto the page are a mushroom’s seeds that get carried by the wind to plant new mycelium. Place a drop of water on top of the mushroom, place a bowl or cup over the mushroom to capture all the spores ensuring no wind or open window breeze blows the spores away. Here are some ways to make spore prints: Mushrooms with gills: The spores lie on the gill surface. Spore color can range from white to many other shades, including black.


Place face down (meaning the underside of the cap), so spores will fall on to the paper. In order to see a group of spores and also the color of the spores, we can make a spore print. In this video I show you how to make a spore print.Check Out My New Channel Ashley Shroomer and Please Subscribe New content coming soon. If at home: You can use any of the above materials, the experts use a paper that is half white and half black to give the best contrast available. Be careful while doing this and think of it more like brushing the spores off as we do not want to lacerate or tear the foil that the spore print is on. Put the box under the germicidal lamp for 5 minutes (optional, if you dont have a. Take the foil off the top of the flask/ mason jar and take the spore print in one hand, exposing the spores so that we can scrape off the spores using the blade edge of the scalpel. If in the field: You can use the foil, cut the cap off place between two pieces of foil, fold over and store gently until you get home. 3 Wipe the plastic box and its lid with cotton disk soaked in alcohol.

how to make a spore print

  • White paper, black paper, foil, index card or piece of glass.
  • Spores are also microscopic and to best identify the color you will collect the spores in volume, thus a spore print.

    how to make a spore print

    Many gilled mushrooms are not easily identified and for certainty knowing what color the spores are will validate your findings! Spores are very small they are housed underneath the cap and fall to the ground for future germination.

    How to make a spore print